Keeping Cow With Calf
Keeping Cow with Calf - Bringing Innovation to Dairying In Scotland is an SRDP Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (KTIF) funded project, led by Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC).
The project seeks to establish evidence based information on cow-with-calf dairying systems, including:
How a cow-with-calf system performs in terms of human, animal, environmental and financial health
An economic analysis of the cow-with-calf system at a farm level; investigating calf growth, cow longevity, animal health and more
What business models and marketing channels are available for cow-with-calf dairy products
Creation of a prospectus for those looking to follow the system; pitfalls to note, finances, animal health considerations and more
Have a look at our about section for more detail on the different objectives
Find out more about the project; partners involved, objectives being investigated and the farm
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The funding is being made available through the SRDP Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund, which is jointly funded by the Scottish Government and the European Union.
Photographs provided by SRUC and The Ethical Dairy